About me
I am a self motivated and hard working individual who is ready to achieve own goals and dreams. I am currently Third year studing in Software Engineering
I believe that a person should work on developing their professional skills and learning new things all the time. To carry out my professional excellence I am currently, looking for new career opportunities for my intership which allow me for which allow me forlearning new things and facing new challenges to develop my carrier path.

Coding and maintain java based programmes according to OOP Concepts.

Web Development
Create responsive websites with better UI and UX with frontend and backend server.

Database Handling
Create or maintain SQL or NoSql databases to manage the data with the aid of codes.

Android Development
Create user-friendly Android applications using the newest technology in accordance with the user requirements.

React JS

Java Script

Express JS

Node JS

Mongo DB









Online Examination System
Project build up for NYX company to manage the examination system through an online mode.Project developed by using HTML,CSS, JS and PHP.From the process of registration users to the exams and publishing examination results will be enable trough out the System. Additionally priviladges to the admin and the user will be handle.

Vehical Spare Part Management System
Project created using Java language according to the MVC architechture. From the system customers able to do the booking process of the spareparts throgh the system.Here I handled to login and registration operations of the project. Here admin of the system will provide priviladges to unenrolling the unauthorized acess to the system.

Travel Management Application
This is a mobile application based on managing user rotuines according to user desire. User able to make to do lists, storing medical reports as well as storing feedbacks of their destination. Project developed using the Android. In addition to CRUD operations there are facilities to chech wether condition, calculate BMI level.

Personal Note Managemnet Applcation
This a React based project to manage the Personal Notes. User able to create personal notes and able to store the it in the apllication. Users are able to delet or updating an exsiting note throgh the application. MongoDB used as the database forthe System

Enterprise Resorce Management System
Project implemneted for the Sariputta National College which uses the MERN stack technolgy. Here I handle the payment section of the projects. Admin able to create new payment and it will be store. Additionally, summary of all the payments includingpie chart automatically will be created